Best Investiment Is in Yourself - Take the Time to Learn a New Skill
When you invest in learning new skills and educating yourself you widen your perspective and set yourself up for greater opportunities in the future.
Widening Your Perspective
Learning helps your life and career, as it allows you to take more perspectives on life and thus open up more doors. What we ultimately perceive and grasp intellectually, we come to understand, which shapes how we act and in doing so develops our character.
I have had a thirst for learning very early on and it has been very rewarding being able to look back at all the new discoveries, because of this learning. It has allowed for greater compassion and has made me more open and considerate as a person.
Learning has allowed me to perceive life in new and novel ways, which may not have occurred if I did not pursued this learning. We all know this intuitively. By learning, we open ourselves to a new way of perceiving life, which creates a freshness to life, makes us more creative and in touch with the vastness of life. By learning new skills in business, we can more readily respond to the needs of our clients, by offering services which align at the cutting edge of our field, which most often leads to greater sales.
Greater Opportunities in the Future
By learning new skills you're making yourself more attractive to the job market and preparing yourself for greater opportunities in the future. You may not always know how a given skill or expertise will pay off or be used in the future, but there should be little doubt that I cannot be used in some capacity . I know have been surprised when a skill which I may not seen as directly related to my job, became a valuable resource later on. For example, I work full-time as a social worker, but also love computers. By learning some of the ins and outs of an operating system, I am able to navigate case notes and reports with greater ease to help a client. These skills have paid off numerous times. Several coworkers now come to me when they might have a computer question.
The job market is always constantly evolving and in order for us to stay relevant we must stay on tup of the newly emerging trends. Of course we cannot be an expert in every field. There are areas where we will have to choose where we specialize. However, by learning new skills in relation to our field, we're keeping up with the competition, and ultimately being a leader in our field, which pays off in our reputation and sales.
What Keeps Us from Investing in Ourselves? The Myths of a Lack of Time & Money
Lack of Time
“ By learning, we open ourselves to a new way of perceiving life, which creates a freshness to life, makes us more creative and in touch with the vastness of life. ”
“The job market is always constantly evolving and in order for us to stay relevant we must stay on top of the newly emerging trends.”
One of our beliefs we may hold onto, is that we do not have the time to learn a new skill, as our lives are busy and learning a new skill simply takes too long. However, I think if we look at where we spend time and what we can cut out that is not serving our future, we will be much more available to learn a new skill.
Lack of Money
Although formal education or signing up for an online education membership can be expensive, there are many cheaper alternatives. We might be able to plugin into training at our work or we can easily get a few books at the local library. We may be able to watch tutorials online on YouTube. Either way the money invested in yourself, will pay off greatly in the future, as your skills will be more attractive. By doing so you're planting the seeds for a more successful and rewarding future.
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