The Intersections Between Social Work and Video
For some time now, I have had two main passions: helping other people and video/photography. As a social worker, I have been able to help others engage in growth in their lives, by helping support material conditions and by helping them gain greater insight in their lives. In my side businesses, creating promotional and instructional video for businesses, I have had the opportunity express my creativity.
I write most of my university papers solely on the iPad. The shot below was from McMaster from the Hamilton escarpment in fall 2012.
Now that I am venturing into writing my Master's thesis in Social Work, I have been contemplating more and more, how these two fields intersect. By writing my social work thesis using a creative method, I have been more tuned into the possibility of how video and photography can be used in the field of social work, specifically as a creative research method. I'm interesting in exploring how creativity, and specifically the application of video and photography, can be used to engage and study youth who are involved in the child welfare system.
“On a personal level, it is one of those experiences in life, which seems to just makes sense; it feel likes a perfect integration of two worlds - when two passions come together.”
I have just recently finished my basic literary review on 'youth voice'. If you're interested, you can check it out here: Literature Review: Youth Voice in Out-of-home Care.
On a personal level, it is one of those experiences in life, which seems to just makes sense; it feel likes a perfect integration of two worlds - when two passions come together.
A Look Ahead for My Blog on This Subject
In the coming months, I will blog about some of my observations in the writing of my thesis and how my passion for video and photography intersects with my primary role as a child protection worker and as a researcher. I plan to also showcase my photography and video from my research, as the process unfolds. Stay tune!
McMaster University - where I'm currently conducting my thesis.